*Why is racism still relevant in 21st century*
One maybe tempted to assume that racism, the belief that some races of people are better than others, is a thing of past and that the society has advanced enough to burst this delusional bubble.
Instances of racism are still prevalent in our society, take the case of frequent use of the term " people of colour" to refer a person who is not white. The intolerance shown by perpetrators can scar the victims and their families for life. Stringent laws and anti-discriminatory policies should be framed and put to practice while people should be well informed of their rights and the laws that protect them. Education can enable individuals understand the concept of 'just treatment' better.
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This unfair treatment is in practice all around the world, ranging from workplace to politics. People are deprived of opportunities and basic rights based on their origin. Take the instance of the movie 'Black Panther' that consisted of an all black cast predominantly at a time when the blacks were still struggling to find their place in Hollywood. Racist hate crimes are the most widespread of all the other forms of hate crimes, the share being as high as 60% of the total. Vandalism is a common practice in many places.
Donald J. Trump's xenophobia and racial discrimination along with political and economic turmoils like Brexit have acted as a catalyst leading to a surge in the number of such crimes. African American community is the one most targeted of all the other communities .
Racism may have been more widespread in older times with the white section of the society given special privileges and rights but it is still a matter of concern in current times that needs to be addressed both on personal level and the level of the government as a progressive modern society. Our leaders should conduct themselves in a more responsible manner and we as members of the society should also act in ways that do not cause discomfort to others.
Written By- Sohal Bagri
What an information piece!