Tuesday, 29 January 2019


Mr. Sargent Shriver, an American Diplomat and politician once said: “We must treat the disease of racism. This means we must understand the disease”

Keeping this statement in mind, let us first find out what casual racism actually means. Most of us have seen or heard this term before but not many of us are aware of its true definition. Well, Casual Racism is nothing but a remark or a throw-away comment that is based on negative stereotypes to say something about a person’s race or ethnicity.

Casual Racism is not necessarily a deliberate act to discriminate against someone or to let him/her down because of his/her race rather it is something that is done unknowingly,  just out of fun. But what people usually tend to forget is that it can have a deep negative impact on the person who faces it.
It not only affects their dignity but also their physical and mental health. And unfortunately most of the people who indulge in casual racism, don’t even understand the magnitude of their irresponsible comments.

I want to clarify that the classifications and categories are not bad, what is bad are the stereotypes and degradation that come with some of the categories we’re a part of. For example, colour of our skin - when someone is described neutrally, without indicating colour, most of the times people will assume that the person is white. On the contrary, to describe someone dark skinned, it will be mentioned specifically. This indicates our stereotype, that, whiteness determines humanity.

We have to understand that our constitution has given us a right to express our views, but it becomes our duty to use this right in a responsible manner so that we don’t casually exclude someone from our society on racial basis.

Further, if you are the one facing casual racism, you should not hesitate to discuss about it and express your views on specific comments made by your friends or colleagues and tell them that you are uncomfortable with the comment and this is casual racism.

These tools can really help the society to fight casual racism.



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