Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Deforestation to Destruction.

From Amazon forest to Aarey forest: The Impact of Deforestation on the world.

100000. This is the number of times the infamous Amazon Forest has experienced fire in this very year. The Amazon Forest of Brazil was caught up in flames from 15 August 2019 to 22 August 2019. But this is not the only forest that was burned to such an extent that it affected the health of the flora fauna and also the neighbors. The Aarey Forest of Mumbai was also almost burned down to ashes last December. Both of these forest are located at the heart of their respective cities and hence are a huge lost to the entire country and hence, the World. 
The fires might be in two different countries which share an opposite culture, food habits etc but one thing is common between them: the ambiguous nature of the occurrence of fire. Many experts and even the indigenous people claim them to be nothing but a conspiracy of the governments. They contend that both the Governments want to burn and destroy these forests so that they can be sold to the pompous industrialists and can be used for setting up of new Residential Projects and Industries.
Mining and drilling are one of the major causes of deforestation. Cutting down or burning down an entire forest kills the flora and fauna of that place and also causes chronic respiratory problems to the nearby people. Soil erosion also becomes prominent in those areas and it increases the chances on flood in the area. The spread of carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and aerosols also lead to various health problems. 

These fires could turn rainforests into deserts.

The Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation talks about relocating the plants and trees that need to be shed for the building up of Metro but according to the statistics, 48% of the transferred plants have already died. When it comes to the Amazon Forest, the one which is a home to 40,000 species of plants, 1,300 species of birds, 430 mammals and 400-500 indigenous communities, the Government are not seriously investing in it. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro criticized French President Emmanuel Macron’s actions of announcing aid to Brazil after unleashing unreasonable attacks on Amazon. He also thanked President Donald Trump for his support. 
Many people have come out against the forest fire in Mumbai and Brazil. From 400 people on the Marine drive to actors and actresses like Shraddha Kapoor, all of them are condemning this act of intentionally destroying the environment for their inhumane purposes. In Brazil, more than 30 protests have taken place with thousands of people protesting at Ipanema Beach. 
Thus, forest fires are not just a huge threat to one specific country but to the entire world. Amazon Forest consists of about 20% of our planet’s oxygen and losing it would mean a drastic loss to our balance of ecosystem. These forests need to be protected by individuals as well as by the Government. People visiting these forests should not through half lit matchsticks or unextinguished bonfires while leaving. The natural fires cannot be dealt with but the officials must estimate the approximate time of the year when these are most prominent and must be extra cautious at that time. 
This is a global issue as being careless now would harm the entire ecosystem and hasten the process of Global Warming. Remember, only Mumbai or Brazil are not on fire; THE WORLD IS ON FIRE. 


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