The Australian Government officially declared the Great Barrier Reef rodent extinct on 19th February, 2019.
A decade had passed since the last rat-like Branble Cay Melmoys were spotted on the island and now the animal has officially been transferred to the extinct list by the Australian Environment Ministry.
The declaration was expected after a wide-ranging survey, conducted in 2014, found no trace of the animal.
Though it is still an astonishing fact that the now- extinct rodents were once considered to be the only endemic mammal species found in the Great Barrier Reef. This fact also makes it more interesting to find out the reason behind their dramatic disappearance.
But the actual reason behind their extinction is a major cause for concern. The rodents are believed to be the first mammal that has been killed off as a result of man-made climate change.
Bramble Cay Melomy is the first mammal to be killed off due to human-induced climate change |
According to the data on sea-level rise and weather events in the Torres Strait region, human-induced climate change is considered to be the root cause behind the loss of the Bramble Cay Melomy. Researchers from Queensland believe that the extinction was 'almost certainly' caused due to repeated ocean inundation of the cay- over the last decade, which had resulted in extreme habitat loss.
This is an alarming situation for the whole world as climate change has already been proven to be the biggest threat for most of the species on earth. The Bramble Cay Melmoy might be the first mammal to be extinct due to climate change but it will most most certainly not be the last one if significant steps are not taken quickly.
We, the members of Net Impact, realise the importance of taking an initiative to bring a change in this world and thus we have done our own little bit to save the mother earth. Net Impact has come up with The Climate Drawdown Challenge to conduct workshops to maximise the impact of top solutions to reverse global warming, as identified by Project Drawdown.
This workshop helps in developing original actionable ideas, catalyzes more people to take action against global warming and aims to create a great global impact.
The whole world has to unite in this battle against climate change if we want to save our planet. Each one of us should take the reponsibility for a safe and a clean environment. The Net Impact is surely doing its bit to create a better world, the only thing left is now for you to join in and help us make a better tomorrow.
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